Happy Faces at the end of the line.

West Bragg Creek Trails

Looking for some quiet and rejuvenating winter activity? Come experience the tranquillity of the winter woods and join our half-day cross-country ski trip!

SnowfunYYC offers beginner and family-friendly trips.

Cross Country Ski or Snowshoe

X-Country Skiing and snowshoeing are great low impact, high cardio winter activities. They’re fun activities you can enjoy with friends and family. Bonus: You get to enjoy beautiful landscapes -and- getting started is relatively inexpensive!

If you are looking for a fun, family-friendly winter activity, try X-Country Skiing!

This group trip is designed for those who have little or no experience and would like to learn more. We encourage a non-competitive environment where everyone can develop their skills on X-Country Skis, navigate the trails, have fun, and meet like-minded individuals.

This group trip typically runs from 12 noon to 3 pm.

Trip Inclusions

(All-inclusive trips start at only $99.00!)

  • Equipment rental (optional)

  • Demonstration of basic techniques*

  • Hot Chocolate

  • Return transportation

Sample Itinerary

Unless noted otherwise, the trip itinerary is as follows (all times are approximate):

11:00 AM - Leave for West Bragg Creek

12:00 PM - Arrive at the trail, unload, gear up and get instructions.

12:30 - 3:00 PM- Hit the Trail

3:00 PM - Return to warm up Shack, have a cup of Hot Chocolate

3:15 - 3:30 PM -Pack up, depart for Calgary.

What To Bring →

* Basic instruction and coaching are included. If you’re interested in a comprehensive beginner session, please contact us to book a custom trip to the Nordic Centre instead. Thank you!

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Always Beginner-friendly.

Snowshoeing turns walking into an even better cardio workout in a winter wonderland.

Never been? No problem. We welcome all levels of fitness and experience!